Crochet Quiz
How do I find a crochet project that is perfect for me?
What shall I crochet next?! That’s a very good question! Are you looking for a new crochet project, but you don't know exactly what it shall be? Except of the fact that you really like crocheting amigurumi's! Then take this Quiz of 10 questions and find out what your next crochet project will be!
Keep a pen/pencil and paper handy! As a crocheter, you probably always have that next to you! ;)
Count the number of times you answer an A, B, C or D. Only 1 answer can be given per question. Which letter did you choose the most? Based on this score you will receive appropriate advice!
Crochet Quiz

Have you written down all your letters? Which letter did you choose the most or is there not really a letter that scores significantly higher?
Do you want to know what advice goes with your score? Enter your score, your name and e-mail address and you will receive your advice!
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